Prompted: Daily Habits

Daily writing prompt
What are your daily habits?

Gentle stretching/yoga. You are only as young as your spine.

Protecting the morning: no electronics, no stimuli, no stress or aggression. Eating and drinking tea with peace and good conversation.

Connecting with family: speak to my mother, my father, and my sister. Tell everyone you love them. See how they’re doing. Listen well.

Physical affection for my partner and my children: head scratches, foot rubs, long, long hugs.

Move! Go for a long walk, bike ride, swim. Sweat. Be in nature. Sit under a tree. Listen to birds.

Cook. At least an hour of each day goes into preparing dinner. I listen to music (Sam Cooke, Bill Withers, Dinah Washington, Aretha etc) I open the backdoor so a breeze floats in and I see what vegetables need using and they are my first priority. Chop chop chop. Nothing can go to waste. I get the kids to help with this part.

Sit down to dinner as a family. Every single day. No TV no distractions. How was everyone’s day? Highlights? What would you do differently if you could? Celebrate the highs and console the lows.

Tidy. Everything in its right place. Choose one thing to “clean” daily (bathroom, dusting, etc). The rest is tidying/maintenance. No dishes left in the sink at night! Put the laundry away (this part is hard).

Read. We walk to the library frequently so I’m spoiled for choice. Everyone has a favourite chair. We sit and read. We also read out loud together (did The Hobbit recently…I like to sing the poems). I’m currently reading Rumi (poems) and Nabokov (Lolita). He likes to read books on woodworking/natural building. I find a lot of good ones at the thrift store.

Tuck in. This is a time when I make sure everything is just right in their little bedroom: the lights, the pillows, the closet door is SHUT (we don’t like the closet) and everyone’s brushed their teeth and gone pee. Then it’s back rubs and warm words.

Togetherness. My partner and I end the day with our legs on each other’s laps, chatting about work, laughing, sharing, encouraging and speaking loving words to one another. We might listen to a podcast. We might share a dessert.

Sleep. Deep, deep breaths. No phone. Hands over heart. Prayer. Emptying my mind with my breathing. Sleep.

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About Me

A poet living in Ontario. Mostly works of memoir and poetry that focus on motherhood, womanhood, and relationship to self.