Prompted: Some Things I Feel Everyone Should Know

  1. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Simply crush two cloves, wait ten minutes, and either drink in a glass of warm water, or add to warm (not hot) soup, salad, or pasta. It releases an organosulfur compound called Allicin which cures all kinds of ailments and infections, and is anti-carcinogenic (kills Cancer when tried in test tubes).
  2. If it stings when you pee, you most likely have a urinary tract infection (UTI). ALWAYS keep raw pure (unsweetened, no additives, no cocktail) cranberry juice in your pantry for flare ups, but most UTIs can be avoided by maintaining good hygiene and peeing after sex. You don’t need antibiotics to cure a UTI 99% of the time. If you are very prone, try drinking half a cup a day diluted with a little water as a preventative measure.
  3. For an ear infection, a few home remedies work very well. Cock your head to the side and try placing a few drops of white distilled vinegar in the infected ear right when it begins to hurt (the sooner the better). Hold for ten Mississippis and empty/dry ear. In many cases, the relief is instantaneous. If the pain persists, do this every two hours and also make a “rice sock”. Take some DRY UNCOOKED rice and heat in a skillet until very hot but not burnt. Pour carefully into a clean cotton sock. Tie it up and press to the infected ear. The heat and rice will help to draw out any unwanted moisture.
  4. If one of the follicles of your eyelashes becomes enflamed and swollen, you have a STYE. To heal a stye quickly simply pour some hot water over a black tea bag and allow to steep for one minute. Pick up tea bag while still warm, drain a little but keep it moist, and hold it to the eye. Allow some of the tea to seep in and clean the affected area. The stye will dry up completely within 24 hours.
  5. Rosemary essential oil in warm water makes an excellent and non-toxic mouth wash for adults and children. It is anti-fungal and antimicrobial, fighting bad breath very effectively. It also prevents plaque build up, cavities, and gingivitis.
  6. Eat beans every single day to dramatically reduce your grocery bill, constipation, chance of cancer, chance of liver disease and so much more. Beans are your friend.
  7. Eat less animal products. Way less. And don’t eat burnt meat.
  8. Eat less processed grain products. Try to steer away from breads, cereals, crackers and cakes and focus only on oats, rice, barley etc.
  9. Eat less sugar. Get your sweet fix from fresh fruit daily. Eat fruit regularly and BEFORE the craving strikes.
  10. Drink only water, broth, and tea.
  11. Avoid alcohol and social media. Especially together.

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About Me

A poet living in Ontario. Mostly works of memoir and poetry that focus on motherhood, womanhood, and relationship to self.